Sunday, July 19, 2009

To Be In The House of the Lord

I did make it to church, and shared with tears how encouraging everyone has been and what God is doing in my walk with him. It was so good!
One new-to-the-church sister who ministered to me had her baby and three sons in the car when she drove me to the Y this week. So when I saw them at church the three young boys were so solicitous to help me and pray with me. It is a rare thing for young boys to show such adult-level caring for an 51-year-old like me!
When I came home this afternoon I laid down, and actually got a three-hour nap! Hallelujah!
When I say I am "improved", it only means (at this point) that I have gotten sufficient rest and have behaved myself enough to get the pain down. It is not an indication of real improvement. But I live by faith and take it a day at a time.
And by the way, my health blog has a different address now: I updated it last week with more details of the struggle. Have a good week all of you! God bless!

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