Friday, August 7, 2009

Countdown to Hawaii

Four more days! John and I will celebrate our 25th anniversary Tuesday, and God willing we will fly to Kauai that day for a week. I have been doing pretty well this week, so I am praying for the good stretch to continue right through the trip.

My biggest challenge is the travel to Hawaii. I fancied I could do this last October when I bought reservations because there would be minimal driving necessary. I think it will be easier to fly--no jostling and vibrations like road travel, and I can get up and move around--but we will see. Getting enough sleep is another big concern. We will fly back through the night and take all day for connecting flights, but then I will be home and can crash if I need to.

I also can't really be in the sun much, because it makes my candida bloom and my feet swell. Nor can I eat fruit and melons for the same reason. But I look forward to all that good fish and seafood. Yum...

On another note: This week we finally bit the bullet and decided to drill for more water on our acre. We went to 300 feet and got a little over 5 gallons per minute. Not spectacular, but better than we did have. It has certainly cut into our finances, but God has provided. Thank you Lord!


Peggy said...

Have a wonderful trip! I'll be praying for you!

Tania said...

Happy anniversary! I am praying for you!!! Have a great time!!!!

Kelly said...

Welcome home!!! I hope your trip was as wonderful as you'd hoped! I can't wait to hear all about it.

Arden Sleadd said...

Thank you, Peggy, Tania and Kelly. I know your prayers made a big difference. The trip was wonderful. I slept well every night (except on the plane coming back), went swimming every day (usually twice) and had oodles of energy. Thank you Lord! I know John's patient attentions also had much to do with it. He was so good to me! Hallelujah!